Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Haircut

I was looking over my video blogs that I did and all I kept on doing was looking at how bad I needed a haircut... UGH, to the people that know me, I can turn into a real BITCH. Sometimes my friends would ask me, "Dam, let me guess, YOU NEED A HAIRCUT". Honestly, I could be wearing old clothes and be all greasy face but as long as my hair is cut and looks good, thats all that matters. But if it isn't, then I feel the complete opposite. When I was doing my "3", I was actually considering getting my haircut in there. I wasn't exactly expecting those Silverman to pull thru but he did and I guess I owe him that much even tho I was just stabbed, kicked and spat on from him... Wait, weren't we talking about hair? (Here I go again, RIGHT LOGAN?) Anywhos, it's really not that long but for me to style it, takes about an hour. HONESTLY! When I get out of the shower, I put on a beanie to pull down my hair, My hair is soo thick that if I DON'T MY HAIR STICKS STRAIGHT OUT. So after I put a little pomade in for shine then some strong ass gel that looks like rubber cement. and style blowdry to what I want it to look like then hair spray the corners and blow dry and then VIOLA, i'm done. I rather just out on the gel and push up to the faux-mohawk or fauxhawk and be done with it. OMG, I did't realize the time, but if you know me, i'm always fashionably late. #TGFAD.

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